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Zita is my favourite teacher

作者:余思洁 来源:小六(1)班 日期:2014-07-25 11:29 浏览:

  My favourite teacher has a blond and short hair.She has a white face.She is a foreign teacher.Who is she?Do you know?Yes,she is Zita!
  Zita teach us much knowledge.For example,she tell us how to use past tense,complete the sentences,read the story,write about pictures.If we do not know the answer,she will encourage us to try it.
  When we are bored.Zita always plays games with us.She tell us how to play games.We play Bingo, Simon said, Musical chair and a lot of diffcult games.I like Bingo best because I often have Bingo,and Zita give me a candy.I am happy!
  I hope Zita will teach us more knowledge and games.Who's your favourite teacher?Is Zita too?

上一条:外教Marina带来的春天 下一条:与众不同的康珊老师


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