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I enjoy in the Summer English Camp

作者:张译心 来源:初三班 日期:2014-07-16 11:13 浏览:

July.14th, 2014       Monday      Sunny

  Today was Monday. This was the second day when I came to this Summer English Camp. I felt very happy and it enriched my life.
  In this morning, I learnt “how to write English Composition” and I learnt some new words.
Chava taught us some words about clothes. He played games with us. Mrs. Zheng let us find some adjectives about our character. My English name is Ellen, so I should find some words begin with “E”. Such as: emotional, enjoyable and eager. These words all can be described me.
  This was my daily life in the Summer English Camp. I enjoy this life!


上一条:亲爱的黄列老师and亲爱的Jacky、John 下一条:我的夏令营生活


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