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作者:王诗皓 来源:初三班 日期:2014-07-16 11:03 浏览:

July. 14th, 2014                 Monday                         Sunny

    After I got up, I looked out of the window. I saw the sky was blue and the sun was warm. What a nice day it was!
    Then I went to have a breakfast. It had three classes in the morning. All the classes were funny and exciting. They let me learn a lot and I think I am having a great progress. We had two classes in the afternoon. Classes in this summer English camp are really funny and wonderful. Especially the lesson offered by Chava. He is a teacher from other country. I think my English is better than before.
    After class classmates and I played basketball together. We all enjoyed ourselves very much. It might be the best part of this summer camp. After that we went back and had a bath. I had a bath for a long time because it made me comfortable. It was what happened today.


上一条:I enjoy in the Summer English Camp 下一条:A Happy Day


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