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A Happy Day

作者:谭伟杰 来源:高一班 日期:2014-07-16 10:44 浏览:

    Today is the third day that I take part in the Guangwai English summer camp. How time flies! Every day is full of challenges.
    In the morning, we recited some words in the classroom. Then,the foreign teacher sang a song with us. He liked music very much and he also was a music teacher in a primary school in America. We sang along with the music together.
    In the afternoon,after class we played basketball games in the playground. Then, we had supper in the dining hall.
    In the evening, we watched a movie. The movie’s name was "The Old Boys". Later, we played a game "who was undercover". We were very happy.


上一条:我的夏令营生活 下一条:快乐的一天


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