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The First Day in the English Camp

作者:蔡培鹏 来源:初三班 日期:2014-07-15 00:21 浏览:

Dear Diary,
  Today was the first day for me in this Happy English Camp.  I got up very early. Then we listened a lecture about the camp and took photos of my class. After that, we met a foreign teacher from Mexico—Salvator (Chava). He taught us some useful phrases for classroom. For example, you can say “can you speaker, please?” when you can’t hear the teacher saying. And he taught us some words like suitcase, purse, briefcase, and so on. He played with us, too. We were all happy.
  After lunch, we met another two teachers, Judy and William. The classes are so cool! They taught us some knowledge, especially the teacher William, his ways to learn English are very amazing and useful! We can learn English easily and learn it easier.
  Tonight we had self-taught. We wrote down the first diary and saw a film—2 Broke Girls. I wrote down the diary, saw a film and studied.
  As for today, I think today is very meaningful. I was very happy and I will study hard in the future.

Yours sincerely,



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