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Badminton exercise

作者:吕正 来源:高中基础班 日期:2017-07-21 10:22 浏览:

  In the afternoon, we got 4 badminton bats so we went to play badminton. I thought I could play badminton very well. But I felt embarrassed after we played badminton.


  First, I could not catch a ball even for one time. I tried to catch the ball but the ball were always higher than my bats, I could not reach it. After a long time, I just caught three balls. I was so tired.Though I was very embarrassed and tired, I was very happy today.



上一条:夏令营的第五天-初三班陈臻一 下一条:我喜欢的外教Ron—初三班安雯洁


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