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The wild training course

作者:廖沁芸 来源:外教交流营B班 日期:2018-07-20 10:28 浏览:

   There were a lot of interesting things happened today.Let me tell you now.

   In the morning ,we had three English classes.In the first class,the teacher gave me some dog food.I tasted it.At first,I thought it tastes like meat.But it was tasteless.At last,the dog food feel like the shit,and it was smelly.At the moment,I felt bad.

   In the afternoon,we had the wild training course teacher told us that how to help yourself get out of the danger when you hurt yourself,and when you see someone hurts himself or herself,and how to help them.

   We learned how to stop the blood bleeding,how to fix your hurt arms or legs.Then we learned how to bring someone to someplace safely by yourself.

   I learned a lot today.And I hope I can be more clever and thinner in the future.

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