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My view towards the difference between Chinese and foreign tearcher

作者:陈则明 来源:外教交流营高中班 日期:2018-07-20 10:14 浏览:

  Today, I checked my diary that my teacher had corrected. I found that I’ve made a lot of mistakes. Right now, I should try to write a diary just by my own. Writing a diary with the help of electronic dictionaries should not be allowed. I can’t write fast in that way.

  As for today’s class, the teacher who came from Canada gave us an excellent class. I keep these wonderful memories in my mind. However, I think Chinese teacher and foreign teacher are different. Chinese teacher taught us a lot of new knowledge in the class while foreign teacher paid attention to students’communication skills. All in all, from my point of view, both of them have their own advantage.

  In the afternoon, we went to the Baiyun Mountain to learn survival skills. We walked together happily. Climbing mountain is one of my favorite hobbies. We were tired but happy. What a nice day!


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