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A Memorable Day in GDUFS Summer Camp

作者:初二(1)班 周淼 来源:学工组 日期:2013-07-16 17:26 浏览:

  Today is the first day of the Happy English Summer Camp. I am excited although it was rainy all day. I make many new friends here. The teachers are friendly and kind. They care about us when we are not comfortable.

  This morning, we went to the Yunshan Hall. Then, we had an English class. Our new English teacher's name is Emily and she is active and pretty. We played many games. What a funny lesson it was.

  This afternoon, it was still rainy outside, so we had PE lesson in sport hall. It is big and we learned YOGA and gymnastics there. After having all the lessons, we visited our school with our teacher. During that time, we found a nice restaurant and had a nice meal there.

  In the evening, we took a shower and came back to the classroom. We wrote diaries and watched a movie called Detective Sherlock. The story was about a detective how to crack a criminal case. The movie was horrible and splendid. I like it very much.

  Today is memorable and I am looking forward to the activities tomorrow.




上一条:广东外语外贸大学夏令营充实的第一天 下一条:我的夏令营宿友


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