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An exciting first day

作者:初二(2)班 黄泽翔 来源:学工组 日期:2013-07-16 14:11 浏览:

   It's rainy today, so i didn't have a good time.I wanted to play basketball, but I couldn't; I wanted to run on the playground, but it was too wet; I wanted to go to the supermarket, but i didn't have an umbrella, and there were no umbrellas on sale in the store. It's nearly 9:00pm and I am very tired now, but I still want to remember this day, so I write down this diary.

  Anyway, today was really an exciting day! We joined the openning ceremony of this summer camp and we had our first class. The teacher was very nice and I liked those English classes very much.

  In the afternoon we went to play the basketball.After dinner, we watched a movie in the classroom, it was very interesting. I hoped the weather will be fine and we can play outside tomorrow .

上一条:夏令营第一天 下一条:致青春奋斗的我


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