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I was confident and happy! 15th July, 2013

作者:初一(2)班 王之璇 来源:学工组 日期:2013-07-16 11:06 浏览:

15th July, 2013

  Today, I joined the English Summer Camp. The teacher gathered us in a classroom and told us some details.
  When I walked into the classroom, everybody laughed at me. I was angry and shy. Why did they laugh at me? Maybe the cause was I was so small! 


  The teacher let us introduce ourselves later. Nobody volunteered to stand up and introduce themselves. When it was my turn, I spoke out my name and my age loudly and confidently. And then my teacher and other classmates all clapped their hands for me. I was very happy about that.

Wang Zhixuan

上一条:快乐英语夏令营初体验 下一条:快乐英语夏令营的第一天


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