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A Wonderful Movie Night!

作者:高一班 薛俊龙、涂佳卿 来源:学工组 日期:2013-07-19 09:50 浏览:

  Today, we did a lot of interesting things. During the day, we (roommates) had wonderful breakfast, lunch and supper together in the canteen. In the evening, however, we saw a fantastic film called Night at the Museum, which was the most interesting thing. It was funny but it also made me a bit nervous. When the lights turned off, the nice pictures draw my attention. A great dinosaur, many cute small people, many animals,such as, monkeys, lions and elephants, a big stone and lots of ancient people.

Dinosaur At The Museum

  But the most important scene was at night that everything at the museum cames alive. At the first the main character, a night guard, wanted to give up his job at the museum,but finally he changed his mind because a person who was made by wax told him that he could deal with the crazy things. At last, everybody at the museum enjoyed themselves every evening. I think the man has received the happiness.

All Things Came Alive

Ancient People

Night Guard--The Hero

  From this movie, we can learn a spirit that no matter haw terrible the things are, we must hold on and never say give up and do nothing by halves.


上一条:快来看看我们是怎么度过课间十分钟的吧! 下一条:初二(1)班,一起来“切磋”球技


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