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A meaningful day of Helen

作者:Helen 来源:辩论特训营 日期:2018-07-22 14:42 浏览:

  Today we started to plan for our presentation,which will take place tomorrow.Tomorrow is the test that out the classes that can go into the final round,which takes piace at the last day of the summer camp.Some of the boys were saying that we should just stand there and sing a ABC song so that we dont have to prepare for the finals but they got out voted on that idea because the teachers did not look happy when they heard this Anyway,I'd like to get on stage and stand in the spotlights,because I kind of started to look foward to all the fame that its gonna bring after I've heard about the tings the teacbers,my mom, and other people had said.
  We started to practiced our performance this afternoon,but I have no idea how we're supose to pull that off,because we haven't even started thinking about the other song we're gonna pick.

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