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The first day of my Summer English Camp

作者:初三班 任羿飞 来源:学工组 日期:2013-07-16 15:57 浏览:

July15th,2013 Monday                     Rainy

  Today is the first day of my summer English Camp. I was very excited

and happy. In the morning, I got up at seven and went to “Qingya Yuan”

restaurant for breakfast with my two friends. It was raining hard when we reached the Yunshan Hall to watch the opening ceremony of the Summer Camp. Before the ceremony began, I played games to kill time.

  After that, we had an English class. Our teacher is an American. His

class was very interesting, We all like him.

  In the afternoon , we had a class of “MBA”. In this class, the

teacher told us that “MBA” means Master of Business Administration. Then we made a plan for our career.

  I am very happy today and looking forward to visiting the Zoo on July 21th.



上一条:The Summer Camp is going to start 下一条:夏令营起航之旅


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