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A happy day of Eva

作者:李旖洋 来源:辩论特训营 日期:2018-07-23 14:20 浏览:

2018.7.21日 星期日 天气: a little bit hot

Today is a special day for me. I took part in the English star competition. It was the first round.I introduced myself first. Then I sang a song—Try. This song is a little easy, but I have still practiced it for four days. The last, the teachers asked me some questions. Because of a bit of nervous, I didn’t answer as well as I think. Anyway, I think it gave me a valuable lesson and I also improve my spoken English. Whether the teachers pick me or not, I will never give up, never say die.
  We still prepare our performance. The boys are better than yesterday. They practiced it quietly.
I think if we want, we can do the best.

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