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A meaningful day of Kevin

作者:Kevin 来源:演讲特训营 日期:2018-07-19 10:34 浏览:

  It's a good day. But one of my roommates hit my back and he said sorry for that. We learnt many things in today's lessons, such as 'how to grab the audience's interest, how to think logically, how to conquer the stage fright' etc. I can use them while I am debating. In the afternoon, I played the killer game. I was the Farmer, and I was killed by the Werewolves, at last the Werewolves won. While they continue playing, Washington, Edward and I were playing basketball. It was great! Today's level is great!


上一条:徐跃文正能量满满的一天 下一条:苏琬淇期待夏令营的每一天生活


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