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Zimou's happy day!

作者:曾子谋 来源:绘本故事营B班 日期:2018-07-18 20:06 浏览:

  This morning we were happy cause everyone was so quite before someone told us to get up.We woke up at 7 o’clock then we went to the canteen and ate breakfast.I ate noodles and soybean milk.It was the best milk I had ever tasted!
  Next we want to room 113 to learn English. Before the class Mr.Hou and Miss.Chen led us to review the words we had learnt yesterday.It was easy for me because I remembered all the words! Then our foreign teacher came in.Her name is Jen Mecafferty and she is 42 years old!After some games she taught us a song called “We’re going on a bear hunt”.It was so fun! I sang so well that Jen invited me to sing the song at the front platform.I loved my teacher!!!


上一条:在夏令营学会独立成长 下一条:让我惊喜的外教课


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