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The very begining day

作者:冯宇凌 来源:外教交流营高中班 日期:2018-07-18 09:25 浏览:

  This morning, I took part in the opening ceremony of the English Summer Camp. Teachers gave speeches to all of us. And it was the first time I met all the foreign teachers. They all sent their best wishes to us. After that, we took a group photo.

Our group photo

  Next part is the team-building activity. All of us were guided to the playground and played some games in order to know each other better. After that, we created a name, a badge and a slogan that represented our class. It made me realize the importance of team-building, and we need to work harder to get closer to each other.
  In the afternoon, we had two classes about how to prepare the listening and speaking tests. From these lessons, I began to notice the details of doing English exercises that I’ve never paid attention to before.
  In general, today was just a beginning. May the following days be better!


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