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I love my foreign teacher

作者:肖文英 来源:高中进阶班 日期:2017-07-26 10:57 浏览:

  Today is a great day.The sky is blue, and the clouds are beautiful and white. How fast the time passes! Today is the eigth day of the summer camp.
  In the morning,Paula talked about video with us, including how to make a video, which person do we need and so on. I was very interested in this and I thought I had a good lessons in the morning. A part of our ending show is a video. we have to finish it in 3 days.And paula said she would help us. If we have any questions , we can ask her.And she agreed to borrow her camera to me. I feel so happy. we will make a wonderful play in the end.



上一条:思辨营初高班刘楚怡日志——大胆大方,继续进步 下一条:还好来了这次夏令营—冯洋


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