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We won!

作者:林硕朗 来源:高中进阶班 日期:2017-07-22 11:09 浏览:

  we got up at 6:15 am today to play basketball for the afternoon's basketball match. Although we were sleepy,we still practised under the sun.
  After the exercise, of course we should have classes. this morning. miss zhao talked about the transformation of family structure.the nuclear family, single parent family, expanded the family, stepfamily, childless family, grandparent family. in the afternoon, Paula talked about our personalities. Aanything was common, but it was sad and pitiful that our classmate Anson had left the camp to study English in a better way. I hope we'll see each other again and give him the best wishes.
  Finally, the basketball came. We invited all the classmates to watch the game. Me,Vicken,John, Andy,Tony, Wind,Mike and Dante were the players. We "fought "together and won the game. It was hard and we were all exhausted after the game. We were happy though we were tired.
My dream came true. Thanks to every player and our classmates and the teacher.
  Destiny brought us together.I'm so lucky to meet you all guys.



上一条:楊老师的爱 下一条:我的一天-初三班叶成方


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