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周子义日记——What I wish

作者:周子义 来源:小六班 日期:2017-07-21 09:15 浏览:

  Today is Thursday. In this morning, we didn't go to the classroom, we went to the playgroud and we ran for a round and walked for a round. At the end, we took a photo, but the sunlight made us can't open the eyes.
  After the breakfast, we went back to the classroom. We have three English lessons.The classed were still interesting.
  We have a science class in the afternoon. We made a jumping magnet with little light. It was very intriguing.
  In the evening, we rehearsaled tomorrow's game. We'll sing a song and act a modern drama out. Teacher said if we are the first.We'll get some reward. I wish we can get it.


上一条:悦读班陈紫涓-才艺表演排练日记 下一条:曾逸航日记——有趣的“小牛顿”课


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