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Changes that I have made

作者:李宇晨 来源:高中进阶班 日期:2017-07-20 15:38 浏览:

  Today is the fifth day that I have come to this English summer camp. I can well remember that I was so nervous on the first day because I had never joined an actitity like this before.
  when I came to my room with my baggage,I saw three strangers seeing me.,making me upset. However,I could get along with them very soon. We study in a classroom together and eat in a resturant together. And I know if you are friendly to others,others will be friendly to you. As we all know, friends are  always strangers at first. Therefore, we should be open and active to others.
  It is the fifth day today.In the morning, I got up too late to eat breakfast. When I saw the clock in suprise, I knew I would be late for class. Two others students and I hurried up to the classroom with our food. Fortunately,it was not too bad at least.
  In the afternoon, I have a plan,which is singing a song with a friend in the meeting four days later. The song is named <Catch>. We practise singing together, forgetting to eat dinner.I think I should be braver and more generous person.



上一条:思辨营小初班徐可益日志——开心的课上游戏 下一条:悦读班李忻萦日记——我们是408宿舍小能手


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