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Today I had fun

作者:初三班 邓德淳 来源: 日期:2013-07-20 11:32 浏览:

  The sunshine streamed into the dorm through the window. It made me feel happier than ever. I am waiting for a better and brand-new day. However, I woke up later and thus had to run to the canteen quickly. A Chinese teacher gave us a lesson, in which she taught us with body language. I think in the teaching process, teachers usually combines body language and verbal language.




  Today’s classes were really interesting. I had fun and felt so excited. Today, a girl in our class collected the QQ numbers of our class for the sake of convenient communication. Interestingly, many students asked for Glenn’s, which I could not quite understand.

  In the evening, we played a game with our class teachers. I have never ever been so excited.

上一条:初一班新来的钟老师 下一条:夏令营之我的精彩一天


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