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We watched an interesting movie

作者:初一(2)班 丁早 来源:学工组 日期:2013-07-19 11:54 浏览:

  Today is the fifth day of Summer Camp (the whole name is Summer English Camp).
  I thought the night was the most interesting time in the whole day. We watched a movie! The name of the movie is "Night At The Museum". 
  It's about a man named Larry. He was a free careerer(the truth was that he had no work). He was in a dilemma. He lost his face in his son’s mind, so he wanted to be a hero in his son’s eyes. Then he found a job in a museum. But all the exhibitions came to alive at night! Larry got a frightened experience. He even didn’t want to continue his work. But a wax president encouraged him, and finally Larry found the magical tablet which had magic and let the wax statue be alive. 


  What a wonderful end! I love that!

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