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We are delighted today

作者:初三班 吴慧明 来源:学工组 日期:2013-07-18 09:55 浏览:

July 7th, 2013  Wednesday   Sunny

  Today is the third day I live on the campus. I had fun today. In the  first class, the foreign teacher Glenn asked me to write down some words. At first I was afraid of making mistakes because those words he said would be difficult for me to recall.My classmates did not laugh at me and taught me how to spell the right ones.At last,I learned some new words and remembered some words I had forgotten before. I became more and more confident. That was interesting. In the afternoon, we played a game in which we can  communicate with each other in our class. How delighted we were then!

初三班 吴慧明

上一条:美丽校园,美丽人生 下一条:I get used to the camp life


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