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Playing Badminton with My Friends

作者:初二(1)班 周淼 来源:学工组 日期:2013-07-17 15:17 浏览:

Today is Tuesday and I am also very happy. In this afternoon, we did some exercise after class. We played chess first. My friend, Amanda said she was very good at playing chess and I worried about my chess skill. After a while, I felt relax and I thought my skill was not so bad.

We also played badminton. A funny thing happened during that time. I passed the badminton ball to Amanda. Unfortunately, the balls hung in the tree. Amanda said,” Hey Kyla, how can we get it?” I have no idea, and then we shook the tree. A few minutes later, the ball was still in the tree. We decided to leave the tree and find another ball. At that time, the ball fell down from the tree. We were surprised to see this. Amanda fell on the ground carelessly. I laughed at her and did not notice the small stone. I fell too. We smile at each other. It is a very funny afternoon.


初二(1)班 周淼

上一条:我成功竞选为班长,感到很开心 下一条:期待晴天,期待课外活动


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