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Enemies to friends

作者:初一(2)班 王之璇 来源:学工组 日期:2013-07-17 11:46 浏览:

  Today I met a friend. His name is Titan. He said,"I like titanic, so my name is Titan".
  Actually, at first, we were enemies, but now we are friends. Now I will tell you the story between us.
  In the afternoon, we had two badminton classes. Titan said,"I will beat you!"I said,"that will not happen!" And at that time, we became enemies. Now when I think of that, I think I’m so childish.


  When we were together, I felt something bad was gonna happen. So, we continued until the class was over. After the class I felt uncomfortable, so I apologized to him. And I said, "we are all friends, let’s stop fighting."He said,"Okay!" so, we became friends.I enjoy my day today!

                                                       Wang Zhixuan(Ellen)


上一条:收拾心情,再次启程 下一条:我在夏令营的第二天


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