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What an unforgettable day!

作者:初二(2)班 沈浩升 来源:学工组 日期:2013-07-16 23:07 浏览:

  Today I went sightseeing with my new friends, they were funny and easy going, so we went to have lunch together. Those guys ate like pigs! While eating we talked about our shools, our family and our friends.Sometimes we also had quarrels, but since they are quite friendly, we would forget all the unpleasant things soon.
  In the evening we went to the classroom and our teacher Liu Yuxiao(we all call him Brother Xiao) showed us a movie. It was about an old thief who was ambitious and hunger for success but always fail. He had a rival called Vector, who stole the Pyramid before him. In order to beat Vector, this thief, Gru, planned to stole the moon. Next the film talked about how Gru and Vector competited with each other and in the end, Vector was beaten.
  The movie was so funny, but I can't remember all the stuff. So I hope I can watch more movies as funny as this one in the following days. 


上一条:夏令营之特殊乒乓球赛 下一条:难忘的一天


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